Snow Shoveling Tips for a Safe Winter

Like it or not, it’s that time of year again: Time to get out of your Richmond new homes and shovel some snow. However, before you begin this arduous endeavor, there are a few precautions that the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) recommends that you take into consideration.

According to the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission, more than 70,000 people were treated for injuries sustained while shoveling snow in 2008. Also in 2008, almost 15,000 people hurt while operating snowblowers. Below are some precautions that you can take to keep you safe this winter.


  • Warm your muscles. If you’ve ever shoveled snow, you know that it can be a cardio-intensive, vigorous activity. Like with any other workout, it’s important to warm-up your muscles with 10 minutes of light exercise before you begin.
  • Pace yourself: Make sure to take frequent breaks and drink plenty of fluids. If you start to feel bad, just stop.
  • Push the snow: It’s easier on your back if you can push the snow rather than lift it. If you must lift, take small amounts and lift with your legs.


  • Do not put your hands or feet inside the snow blower: When snow becomes impacted, make sure to stop the engine and wait five seconds before you begin clearing it out. Then, use a solid object to clear debris from the chute.
  • Watch the cord: Beware of the power cord at all times so that you don’t trip and fall.
  • Never leave the snow blower unattended: If you must walk away from the machine, always turn it off before leaving.

For more snow shoveling safety tips, visit the AAOS website.

Tired of shoveling snow in front of your rental? Clearing the driveway is a lot more rewarding when you own your home. Gerstad Builders can help. Visit our website for more information about our Richmond new homes at The Trails of Pheasant Ridge.

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